Applications for CBT-2025 for the post of teaching/non-teaching/ministerial staff to be appointed in DAV Public Schools, Bihar are invited from 15/10/2024 to 05/11/2024 for the following posts. One candidate must apply for one post only.
The Application Forms in hard copy may be obtained from nearest DAV Public School in Bihar or download from the website. Duly filled up form must be submitted by 05/11/2024.
PHASE 1 : Scrutiny of Career Graph/Eligibility and selection of candidates eligible for CBT (managed at school/zonal level)
Eligibility Criteria: Download
Application Form for Phase-I: Download
PHASE 2 : Conduct of Computer-Based Test (CBT) for eligible candidates by CBT Team, DAVCMC
PHASE 3 : Demo, Interview and Selection by the Selection Committee (presided over by the Chairperson/s at school/zonal level)